Route 91 Harvest Festival Shooting Victims Seek Redress with GH&P’s Help
Gipson Hoffman & Pancione hosted the national press conference following the recent filing in Los Angeles Superior Court of five separate lawsuits on behalf of over 450 injured patrons of the Route 91 Harvest Festival, a country music concert held on October 1, 2017, adjacent to the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas.
Over 65% of the plaintiffs, who include the heirs of two concert attendees who were fatally wounded and scores of other gunshot victims, are California residents recuperating in California and obtaining treatment from physicians in California. Two of the defendants — the parent company of the festival’s promoter and the concert’s security company — are California corporations.
Print and broadcast media representatives from across the country were in attendance at the press conference, and some of the latter provided live updates on evening news programs from the steps of GH&P’s Century City office building. The firm serves as local counsel in the case, as noted the next day in the Los Angeles Times.